Mom’s Most Relaxing Vacation? Camping!

Let’s be real—vacations are a blast for kids but can feel like a lot of work for parents, especially moms. There’s coordinating activities, making sure everyone has what they need… it doesn’t seem to end. But there are some moments of relaxation to be had.

Morning “Me Time”

One of my favorite parts of camping is enjoying my coffee in peace before the kids wake up. Sometimes, that means a quiet stroll or jog through the campground. Other times, it’s a solo golf cart ride—just for moms! The early morning sounds of chirping birds and the delicious smell of bacon cooking make for the perfect, tranquil start to the day.

Built-in Entertainment for the Kids

We’ve camped in nine states, staying in everything from basic campgrounds to Jellystone Parks. On one trip to Minnesota, I quickly learned the importance of having plenty for the kids to do.

Without activities, the constant “Mom, open this,” “Mom, he hit me in the head with a ball,” and “Mom, he won’t play with me” got old—fast. I realized that I didn’t want to be the source of all the fun; I wanted to bring my kids to the fun instead. When you choose a campground like a Jellystone Park™, with built-in entertainment, you get to enjoy your vacation, too!

Peaceful Evenings for Parents

My absolute favorite part of camping is the quiet, kid-free evenings under the stars. I still remember hotel stays with our two oldest when they were toddlers—one of us trying to get a kid to sleep while the other walked the halls with the other, then attempting to settle in without making a sound. It was exhausting!

Camping changed everything. Now, the kids sleep peacefully in the cabin or camper while my husband and I sit by the fire, unwinding and enjoying uninterrupted conversations. That feeling of relaxation and separation from parenting, even for a little while, is absolutely priceless.

Written by Bridget Bender - Owner


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